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The XENON integration guide

Integrating assets and OEMs into our XENON software is essential for robust, efficient energy management. Check out our step-by-step guide and see how we have perfected this complex process.

Rising electrical loads in the Iberian Peninsula must become smart

PV systems, EVs, batteries and heat pumps are coming to Spain and Portugal. To handle it, energy companies must be equipped with smart energy management.
Life at gridX

Jobs with good work-life balance: Sport benefits at gridX

Are you looking for jobs with good work-life balance? Learn how gridX employees find it with their Urban Sports Club and EGYM Wellpass sport benefits.

How peak shaving benefits the grid and your wallet

Peak shaving is a load management method that minimizes peaks and balances electricity drawn from the grid. Learn how it enhances EV charging and saves money.

Europe heatwave must kick climate action into next gear

The start of June 2023 was the warmest ever recorded globally. Such records, also seen in Europe’s heatwave 2022, mean the time to abate change is running out.

How to avoid the utility death spiral

To decarbonize oil and gas, the utility business model must change. Learn how companies can avoid the utility death spiral and make the switch to clean energy

Knowledge is power: Scaling customer solutions with energy diagnostics

Advanced energy diagnostics enables comprehensive energy visualization, issue prevention across systems and devices and minimal wasted support effort.

Energy consulting: Taming the digital beast

Digitalization in the energy industry is no easy task. Navigating these multifaceted challenges requires tailored expertise in the form of energy consulting.

Enabling energy democracy with digital solutions

Empowering end users with digital solutions increases energy democracy, or public participation, and encourages more flexible and balanced consumption.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. – Circular economy in the energy sector

The three Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – can be used to apply the circular economy to the energy sector and ensure the energy transition is a success
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